


Importance of transcreation in digital marketing

Transcreation is a way to transform a created content in order to be relevant in another region or a different country. The main factor that is taken into consideration is that the same technique used in this region will be successful in another region as well. Even the most successful global enterprise companies are making mistake with the international content marketing initiatives. How can you say that your content will be as successful in another country as successful in one country?

What is Transcreation?

In digital marketing, transcreation refers to the process of culturally adapting an existing piece of content that was originally designed for one place in a new and very different. The goal of transcreation is to optimize the original piece of content in a way that it delivers the same message, same feelings but maintains portray of corporate brand in a different environment.

What are the things need to be considered in Digital Marketing?

  • Reviewing Link Localization

Effective digital content always include various links that sends users to business specific landing pages can move readers down the conversion funnel whereas external links can build equity and provide another layer of authority and trust to the content. One thing to remember that the links used must be relevant to the new local audience. It means that updating internal links to the direct users and replacing external links that point to sources from the original local so that utilize sources in the new target market.

  • Identifying Relevant Imagery

Images and visuals are important part of creating good engaging content for global corporate enterprises. Images serve as the exciting way to communicate the desired brand image. They are the very good way to translate the information from one culture to another. Make sure that every image should be reviewed to ensure that kit will fit with the new market which is being targeted and where the next it is used.

  • Using the Right Keywords

Since content is often created for ranking purpose and keywords are mostly used to rank in search engine results. Using good and correct keywords can make your website on top of search engine results. Global enterprise companies are competing to the visible among competitors in the market. The search term can be varying from market to market it means that you must have to pay attention to the keywords when performing transcreation. You must make sure that the keywords are not repeatedly used in the content as it will show scam and your website will not make good impact on the readers and hence, search engine results will impact and there are chances your website will be lower in the search engine results.

How to create a good transcreation project?

  1. Identify and hire a native speaker of the country where you want to perform the transcreation. As locals speaker knows well about the norms and search behavior better than anyone else.
  2. You must ensure that the transcreator you chose thoroughly understands the message, sentiment and goal of the original piece of content in such a way that he will deliver the same elements without modifications. Don’t be smart thinking that the creator must know something. Do not make assumption about the things content creator knows about your intentions with the project. Evaluate the person thoroughly so that there will be no mistakes.
  3. Research on the local keywords before transcreating the original content so that new content will flow naturally and feels authentic.
  4. Try to look for another native speaker and review your content quality, if possible.

Transcreation Process

There are no specific instructions on how to transcreate and the respective methods how to go for it. It all depends on the person who is performing the transcreation process. There are few essential steps to be taken in order to successfully execute the process.

First thing to consider is to know the importance of knowing your marketing content that is your original source. There are different images, taglines and the other content serves as the foundation of your transcreating process. There are few questions to be asked at this time:

What do we sell?

What will be impact of source material when bring out to the public?

What campaign should be involved to invoke the said emotions?

Next thing to consider is how to send the same message to your new audience using symbols, images and words which are familiar with them. You must be aware of the thing that there are few symbols that are only known in some regions and countries. So, you have to find a similar image within that culture that can bring out the desired emotions and reactions.

Why do you need a transcreating process?

  • There are very companies that are without a digital strategy and don’t have any clear strategy for what they want to achieve online. From the achievement, it is asked to know the need of new customers and building deeper relationships with existing ones. You must find out your new audience.
  • You don’t know your online audience what they want and what they like. This can be totally depends on the culture. There are chances that you don’t understand your online marketplace. There are different dynamics for different traditional channels with different customer profile. Customer behavior, competitors, propositions and options for marketing communications are another thing to be considered in a transcreating process.
  • If you don’t have a powerful online value prepositions, you need a transcreating process.
  • Another reason is that you are not integrated with digital marketing strategy.
  • There must be a lack of specific e marketing skills which will make it difficult to respond threats.
  • Probably, you are wasting your money and time through duplication of the content.

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