


What Is Website Security?

Are you sure that your website is safe? Are you aware of Website security? What are the factors that can affect your website and stealing of data? These are the questions of which, you will get to know the answers in this article. Every year, cyber attacks grow in size and your website could be hacked before you know it. It is merely some lines of codes which are needed to break any kind of security. If you are earning only from the website, then hacking is a major threat to you. Starting of a website is easy but to secure it is something you must take care of. In this article, we are going to let you know some serious threats of cyber attacks and how to encounter them.

Common website security threats

  • Ransomeware: Ransomeware is software that encrypts data on a local machine and demands a ransom to unlock it. There are other malwares that can cause damage to end-user devices and result in data leakage.
  • Gibberish hack: With this hack, you are loaded with auto created pages filled with keywords so that these pages will rank on Google. You will be redirected to the dodgy site, if clicked on this.
  • Cloaked keywords hack: In this hack, you are misguided your site with the similar page, but with different content. At first, you will think it’s yours but the next moment, you will read the content; you will find that it’s just another hack.
  • Japanese keywords hack: This is somewhat very normal and difficult to tackle. You will be directed with random pages with full of Japanese characters and having affiliate links to sell their fake merchandise.
  • Malicious code: If your website is malicious attacked, your website will be down and you will not be able to access it. There are very much chances that you hardware can also be affected with malicious code.
  • Denial of Service: In DDoS, hackers used bots to overload the website with requests and let the server crash.
  • Phishing: In phishing, hackers theft your data and scams your customers pretending to be part of your business. They can use your banding to know personal information of people.

How to secure website?

Well, prevention is better than cure. Why not secure your website from the starting? Check all the possible ways to prevent the hackers from hacking your website.

SSL certificate

A secure socket layer certificate encrypts the every piece of data cxchanged bwtween the server and the browser. If someone visits a website and there is any kind of data transfer then the data will remain secure from eavesdropping. If you don’t have SSL certificate, there are high risks of IP address, user password, email address and other sensitive details stealing. Once you get the SSL certificate, the website name will start from HTTPS instead of HTTP. Here, in this S stands for secure. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox shows the without SSL certified sites as “Not Secure”. It’s important to have SSL security, if you are dealing with payment through sites. Without the security, your data is unprotected and vulnerable tohackers.


Hosting must be secure, easily accessible and convenient. Mostly security part is managed by hosting service provider. There are various things to keep in mind while looking for a hosting service provider such as protection techniques of website, enabling DoS protection, website backup feature, support services and check other user’s reviews. After checking these things, you will get an idea of the potential of hosting service and then have a secure hosting service provider.

GDPR Compliance

GDPR is not only designed to ensure data privacy but also ensures security of online data. General Data Protection Regulation ensures that the exchange of data should be lawful and consensual and make the party punish who is responsible for malpractice leading the data leak. The GDPR includes listing of data collected by your website, name of third party services available on the website; state the site policies by uploading privacy policy, disclaimer and terms and condition pages and report data leak as soon as possible.

BOT traffic

If you notice any sudden increase in page views or comments on your blog, then you must understand that it’s bot traffic. There is 50% bot traffic among online traffic which looks for the security weakness. This traffic can affect the site’s page loading time and can messed up the analytics data along with stealing of sensitive data. It is not easy to stop bot traffic but you can take some measures to minimize the risk. For this, regular visit your page views and not hesitate to take the third-party services for the protection from bot.

Backup your Website

Generally, hosting service providers offer website backup feature which let the recovery of website. These backups can able to recover data that includes pages, posts, and themes, plug ins and other data as well. Website backup is not a precaution to stop cyber attack. But it’s a cure of data lost. There is always a risk of losing data in case of hacking or file ruptures, then backup is the option which come into existence.

Security for User credentials

Have you heard of brute attack force? It is a process by which attackers tries some random passwords to get account access. As it is found in study that most of the people use password as their name or DOB which makes the hackers to guess the password within one or twice trial. Now, you know how easy it is to hack somebody’s account. However, this account can be prevented using 128-bit or above encryption and adding session time-out for login process. One of the best ways to ensure brute attack is to use unique and non repeatable password and enables the two step authentication and recovery account.

Scan websites for threats and vulnerabilities

Attackers are always ready for you to make some mistakes and let them inside your system. So, to avoid falling into their trap by any mistake, always keep scanning your websites. You can also take help from various online tools and third party services to prevent threats and vulnerabilities. There are various free and paid website scanners that allow checking your site for web firewall, domain blacklist and malware. However, if you find website security a task then look for agencies which offer security measures and in house team to ensure website security.

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