

Website SEO customer journey Map

What is a Website SEO customer journey Map?

What is a Website SEO customer journey Map?

You must have seen a lot of advertising hoardings and boards in several places. But still, these are mostly found in some particular places, many places do not have any of those because the customer journey is estimated before adding those advertisements. The place with more visited customers are selected after learning about the customer journey and this is how a local customer journey map works and likewise digital customer journey map is determined. The customer journey map is the full journey of your customer from beginning to end. Everything is included in this map like, from where the customer got the link, what on the website they searched for, did they make any purchase or not, or did they give a review or not?

The customer journey map helps to optimize customers' desires and expectations so that we make a perfect plan to meet it and this is how a website gets SEO ranking. The major points gained by the customer journey mapping are: expectations, experience, and reflection. Expectations give an overview of what the customer really desires, experience comes after surfing a particular website and the review of the experiences is the reflection. This is the major part of customer journey mapping.

Importance of Customer Journey Mapping

  • Focused Approach

Customer journey mapping is a focused approach to determine the customer's journey on your website which will give you an idea about the preference of your website. It gives you an idea about what on your website is mostly liked by the customer and on what you have to be focused on to increase the customers.

  • Personalization

After studying the customer journey map you would obviously personalize your website as required by the customers. This brings up a very pleasant feeling in the customers, that their journey was considered and as per the same the website got personalized. This also increases the number of permanent customers.

  • Improve Experience

Nowadays the thing that matters is the review of the customer. If the customer has got an extraordinary experience through your website then you are going to get a positive review or you may also find it through customer journey mapping that really was the most touching digital point.

  • Develops new requirements

When you draw a customer journey map, you find out everything that where a customer came to your website and what they really liked on your website and what were the digital touchpoints where they faced difficulties. So, with the help of this mapping, you can also improve your website and add those required elements which the customer will really love to. Thus, in this way you develop all the required features of your websites.

Factors affecting Customer Journey

  • Different Customers

The customer's visiting your website must be of different age groups. Some might belong to the young generation and some might be old aged people. The perspective many times changes as per the age group. So, the customer journey mapping of different aged people must be different as per their conventions. So, you must focus on all the age groups and try to make such mapping of all groups and analyze them.

  • Different Context

Obviously, not all the customers had viewed your website in the same context. Everyone might have found you from different sources or at different times and even with a different perspective. Someone might have surfed your website for a certain reason and the other for their own. Thus, the different context makes a different road map for different customers.


  • Investment

Making a customer journey map is a systematic process other than a general optimization. It is most carefully read and analyzed by a group of specialized persons in the respective field. They gather this data from different paid sources itself and if you need to hire someone expert in this field then you must have to pay for it as well. Thus it requires investment and for a low budget website, it might not be possible in the beginning stage.

  • Complexities in defining maps

When your customer reaches finally to your website, they must have meme from other sources, social promotions, or by searching by themselves. After arriving, they must have gone along to many corners on your website as per their requirements. Thus, customer revolves around a lot which sometimes makes it complex to draw the map and analyze it.

  • Regular Updating is required

Once you draw the journey map of one of your customers, you must be updating it from time to time. This will make you know that the changes made by you after analyzing the journey map was fruitful or not. Thus, regular updating these journey map might be difficult many times and especially when the customer don't return.

Things to be considered

  • Review of customer

The most considering thing in a customer journey map is their reviews. This is where you get to know what the customer really thinks about your website and even you sometimes get to know some improving points by them. It is the key that helps in your improvement.

  • Digital touchpoints

Digital touchpoints are the online interactions made by the customers on different websites. This is considered as the footprint of your customer which tells you where and how they online interacted on your website. This makes you know about the customer's behavior on the website so that you can optimize it when required.

Google Adwords or analytics and several such sites help you to get the digital touchpoints of your customers in coded forms which you must study in detail. Thus, customer journey mapping always should be accurate and realistic. It must deal with all the touchpoints of your customer to analyze every certain feature. This also will help in the page optimization.

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